In 2022, Patrick was diagnosed with an ultrarare genetic variant – CACNA1C – which can cause both neurological and cardiac symptoms. Today, Patrick is making incredible progress – and his heart is monitored, too, to prevent any future cardiac episodes. All of this is thanks to one little mouth swab that changed the trajectory of Patrick’s life – and a helping paw from a furry friend.
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February is American Heart Month, so it's a great time to take heredity to heart and learn why genetics is important in heart disease. Cardiovascular genetic counselors specialize in providing risk assessment and, when heredity is indicated, genetic testing for heart disease. Since cardiovascular disease, including heart disease and stroke, is the leading killer of American men and women, knowing whether you may have an increased genetic risk is very important.
More than 1 in every 100 people has a genetic predisposition to a hereditary type of heart disease. The following webinar is presented by Amy Sturm, CGC LGC. During the webinar, Amy discusses the most common types of hereditary heart diseases
El siguiente artículo es parte de la serie de blogs de pacientes de la Sociedad Nacional de Asesores en Genética. Escrito por verdaderos pacientes, estas historias dan un vistazo al mundo a veces complicado de la genética y el papel que un asesor en genética puede jugar en ayudar a las personas a na
These are exciting times in the growing field of genetic counseling. While prenatal and preconception and cancer-risk counseling remain our bread and butter, clearly our skills and expertise can benefit infinitely many more people. Genetic counseling is a conversation that leads to action.
Why take heredity to heart? It’s simple – heart disease is the number one cause of death for men and women, and is highly preventable! It’s also quite common to have a hereditary predisposition to heart disease in your genes.
September is National Cholesterol Education Month, and it's a great time to raise awareness about a little known but very common condition called familial hypercholesterolemia (FH).
The sudden loss of a loved one – a child, parent, sibling – is a devastating event and leaves survivors not only shocked and grieving, but wanting answers. Below are some frequently asked questions about this difficult situation.